About agriculture in Europe

About agriculture in Europe, it can be commented initially that it has a very small active population, due to the rural exodus and the occupation of many territories in order to cover the parcel demands; but it has many other features that you will discover throughout the reading of this article.

About agriculture in Europe

As is well known, the European continent has different countries within which their ecosystems have been profoundly modified, as a result of the action of society on them.

In fact, it is becoming evident that it follows a pattern of capitalist-type polycultures, where the products generated, more than for family consumption, are destined for sale in the market; however, family businesses are preserved.

In general, European agriculture shows its strong tendency towards producer specialization based on regions; developing in varied ecological environments, those that go from the great plains to the mountains; being precise to emphasize that practically 80% of its territory is exploited agriculturally.

European agricultural landscapes

In addition to the topic about agriculture in Europe, it should be noted that it has three typical agricultural landscapes, such as those indicated below:

  • Nordic, whose characteristic is semi-nomadic and rancher.
  • Central European, showing open and closed fields, market capitalist polycultures and the use of an irrigation system typical of the Middle Ages.
  • Mediterranean, with some closed fields and most of the open ones. Its origin is medieval with notable Arab influence, especially in the use of the waterwheel and irrigation techniques used.

It is necessary to add that the Mediterranean landscape is characterized by a productive trilogy, with foods such as wheat, olive trees and vines; however, it is emphasized at the same time in the horticultural polyculture with a predominance of citrus.

The main agricultural products of Europe are, among others, wheat, corn, oilseed crops, barley and livestock; as an important source of fertilizer for the fields.

Regarding its agrarian development, a clearly contradictory panorama is presented; because although it is about power through different European institutions the farms that are viable for the sustenance of its economy, on the other hand, farmers who are too productive and create surpluses are fined.

If you are interested in knowing about the current situation of agriculture, new alternatives to take care of the planet and make this a more profitable activity, we invite you to read other articles on our blog.

Benefits of agriculture in Europe

Europe needs a more productive agriculture to guarantee its food security, efficient production of resources, economic stability, mitigation of the effects of climate change and improvement of its biodiversity.

In a few words, the benefits that agriculture generates for the European continent are extensive; especially achieved thanks to the use of modern technologies such as efficient agricultural machinery, new varieties of seeds, fertilizer, as well as phytosanitary products.

In short, with each increase in agricultural potential in Europe, the following results are being achieved:

  • Food is increased for more millions of people a year.
  • The income obtained by farmers allows them to guarantee the quality of life of their families and contribute to the GDP of their nation.
  • Food imports are reduced, in addition to considerably reducing the “virtual lands” represented by surfaces outside the continent, used for the production of food that is consumed.
  • By employing new technologies and making use of environmentally friendly machinery, CO2 emissions are reduced and more.
  • A greater percentage of its biodiversity is conserved to allow the free development of its flora and fauna.

Regarding agriculture in Europe, it is necessary to point out that it allows them to produce wine and vermouth, one of its main lines of exploitation; In addition, this continent has large agricultural regions within countries such as Germany, Greece, Spain, France; Finland and some others.

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